Friday 13 May 2011


One of my dreams has been to run a marathon, but every time I've started training I've become pregnant which  puts an abrupt end to the long runs.  Lately this course of treatment is feeling like a marathon. We are almost a third of the way done, and we are feeling the burn that comes as you develop endurance. 
We continue to push through the pain and exhaustion with our eye set on the goal,  just like an athlete.  The process is stretching each of us emotionally, spiritually and physically.

For me the race consists of running after the boys and trying my best to meet all their different needs. Keegan has been putting up a fight at nap time and bed time. Tyler's been regressing with potty training and anything else that will give him positive or negative attention. Toby is  having a hard time sharing mommy and is having regular emotional tantrums. Whew they are challenging me this week. I've been praying for supernatural patience and endurance.  The days begin at 6 am and I'm usually finishing household chores at 11:30 pm - Marathon.

Mike, on the other hand, is being stretched to be still and rest in the midst of all the chaos and noise in our home.  This is challenging since Mike loves to be productive, involved and helpful. He finds it difficult to watch me struggle to keep pace with the children and the household.  We are praying for peace, rest and relief for Mike. 

During the last 4 days Mike has had increasing nausea and stomach pain. After several calls to the cancer clinic and close monitoring of his symptoms, it sounds as though Mike has yet another side effect of chemo: mucositis. Basically muscositis is when the membranes that line the digestive tract become inflamed, red, swollen and may develop open sores. The inflammation causes the stomach to spasm when you eat which increases nausea. It is not a fun cycle. The oncology nurses are knowledgeable and have been great at helping us manage his symptoms.  We have been adjusting his medication, his food and fluid intake and we are hoping that his appetite and tolerance for food will improve. Mike is handling everything in stride and with a positive attitude. We are regularly making little trips to the grocery store as Mike's cravings are constantly changing. Definitely no fast food cravings these days.

We are all being stretched in our own way: the kids, Mike and myself.  Though it hasn't been an easy week, God is providing for us and I can see that he is developing patience and endurance in each one of us.  We hold on to his promise:

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14 

We are putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time, and Christ's strength is carrying us through the marathon.


  1. I remember my first long distance run in college. When I began falling behind, a team mate dropped back and said, "You can make it." He then paced me for a time before moving back up into the pack. The Holy Spirit ("Comforter" literally comes from the Greek meaning "called to one's side")will do the same for you and Mike. Just keep putting one foot ahead of the other.

    Dad Roth

  2. Whew ......Just when you think you have a handle on things, another curve ball or 3 or 4 comes along !!! It is one thing to press through extreme challenges if it is just you but when you have to stand by and watch your loved ones suffering .......that's another story.

    May God give you such overwhelming love to help you face these challenges of emotional testing that have been manifesting in the children. They are such sensitive little guys and acting out is their way of expressing all the questions they must feel but not know how to verbalize.

    Our prayers go out to Mike too as he experiences such nasty physical symptoms and to you Jana for everything you need to keep you standing.

    Jana, I have such confidence in your ability to persevere through extreme circumstances as I have seen you push yourself beyond the believable so many times throughout your life and as Terry said the Holy Spirit is right by your side.

    Having just spent time with you , I have witnessed what a wonderful job you are doing with sensitivity and love and even though Mike is mostly out of commission , I have seen what a consistent emotional support he is to you and the boys.

    Much love and prayers,
    Mom & Dad.


  3. Praying that God will just keep giving you strength to face each day as it comes. One baby step at a time...

    Kim & Dennis

  4. Praying for all of you.....for patience, peace, and Mike's full recovery. One of my very dear friends is a nurse in the cancer clinic at Surrey Memorial. Her name is Whitney Traversy and she is a wonderful, kind and knowledgable lady. I hope she has some interaction with Mike.

    Hang in there guys

    Wendy Saint-Onge

  5. Just focus one step at a time and you won't be so overwhelmed. You both show great courage and strength and WILL get through all of this. God is with you every step of the way, yes we have curve balls thrown at us but we always seem to get the help we need for every situation. That is God providing.

  6. Continuing to pray for your family, Jana!
