Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Best Anniversary Gift Ever!


Nine years ago on May 25 Mike and I stood under a tent, beside the Thompson River in Kamloops, and vowed to love each other as long as we both shall live.... in sickness and in health. Young and optimistic at 22, you can't picture what storms you may have to weather as a couple. Nine years later, here we are, this is our storm: sickness. Believe it or not, God has used sickness as a catalyst to deepen our love and devotion to each other.  We have never worked harder at serving one another and encouraging each other in our moments of weakness.  Since Mike was diagnosed with cancer I find my gaze lingering longer when Mike smiles, I  appreciate every moment of companionship we share with each other. These are moments I normally took for granted.

We didn't make any romantic plans for the day as we knew Mike would have no appetite and no energy.  There was no opportunity for cards or flowers just a high five for making it nine years.  I was actually struggling with anxiety most of the day because I knew that Mike's blood results would be sitting in his chart somewhere and I wasn't able to be at his appointment to try and get my hands on them. The doctor had told us that no news is good news, but I'm no good at waiting, and as a nurse I want to know the numbers.  Part way through Mike's treatment he called me to chat and he gave me the best anniversary present: GOOD NEWS.  The tumor marker (LD) , which had remained slightly elevated, has now come down to normal. All of his tumor marker are within normal range.  I would interpret these results to mean that treatment is working and God is answering our prayers.  We still don't know if his body is completely rid of cancer but the oncologist said he would be happy once all the tumor markers are within normal range.  Mike will continue the course of chemo that is planned and at the end of it he will continue to undergo tests ( blood work and CT scans) to ensure that the cancer is gone.  Normal tumor markers is definitely the best anniversary gift Mike has ever given me - but I know the gift is really from God.

Mike's treatment today ended right at dinner time, so Mike had the idea to go for a family dinner at Swiss Chalet.  Food that Mike's stomach can tolerate and a novelty for the kids. We don't normally go to restaurants because eating at a sit down restaurant with three kids under the age of four usually ends in disaster.  However the kids did great and we had lots of love and laughter around the table tonight. It turned out to be a very happy anniversary indeed!     


  1. CONGRATULATIONS .........Wow.... 9 years, travel, careers, 3 boys, church planting and you still make time for wonderful adventures with " Stan The Van."

    But most important of all is this gift of hope for your future and the deep love and appreciation you have for each other.
    You are an amazing team and we cherish all of you so much.

    Love Mom and Dad

  2. Congratulations! Seems like only yesterday you were heading off on your honeymoon. Of course the news are good it wouldn't dare be anything but. You are right Jana that is the best present ever.
    Love Suzanne

  3. Jennifer Sevilla26 May 2011 at 20:09

    Congratulations Mike & Jana. I'm sure you shall have many more happy years to come. God is good. Blessings.

  4. very cool and encouraging.

  5. Awesome news guys. I sure appreciate your families transparency. I tear up with tears of empathy and joy every time I read your blogs . Our prayers are constantly with you ,you two are truly an inspiration of hope. I understand and hope in the lingering gazes at each smile. I wonder if God see"s us the same. Many more years wished upon you two.

  6. Wow - God gives the best gifts! Happy (belated) anniversary!!
    - Sheldon and Melanie

  7. Awesome News Mike & Jana! Praise God as the markers go down, and the treatment is working! I can totally relate to taking young kids to a restaurant - always a bit extreme, but so great to hear you could celebrate your anniversary together.
