Wednesday 18 May 2011

Keep Pedaling - You can do it!

Toby learned to ride a  two wheeler today.  Toby's personality is quite cautious, he tends to choose the path of least resistance as he likes to do everything perfect the first time. Mike had complete confidence that he could do it. I was pretty sure he was ready, but a little nervous about the process. I wasn't sure if he would want to take on the challenge or  be totally frustrated by it.

                                                  Mike and Toby taking off training wheels        

I sat back on the grass with Keegan and watched from a distance as our four year old took off on two wheels confidently because Daddy was running alongside him; unbeknown-st  to Toby -  Mike had let go of the bike. Mike shouted encouragements: "Keep Pedaling, don't slow down, you can do it."  I cheered wildly for our big boy!  As I sat there,  I had a clear picture of God (Our Father) running alongside our family as we wobble along through our challenges with chemo and cancer.  I felt this assurance that even in the most difficult moments God is calling out encouragements: "Keep going, You Can do it, and best of all He is running right alongside of us.

                                             Starting off on two wheels

I needed this bit of encouragement today. I have no reason to be struggling with fear as we have had a great couple of days.  Mike has been feeling well, we've had some great family moments and some meaningful interactions with others who are also fighting cancer. The last few days have been purposeful and fun.  However, we are at the half way mark in our treatment and I'm  feeling impatient. Tired of waiting for the next round of tests, afraid of what might come around the corner,  and ready for chemo to be done.  We are prepared that the second half of our treatment may be harder than the first and I know neither of us is looking forward to the discomfort of it all.

We met with Dr.Oja this morning as a routine follow up.  There is no new news, the plan is just to continue on with the course of treatment.  Mike will go in on Monday for a full panel of lab tests.  They will check his tumor markers again.  Apparently one the markers (LD) has not quite come back down to normal yet.  Dr. Oja wasn't too concerned and he said everything seems to be heading in the right direction we just need to keep going. Mike will start back with his treatment on Tuesday due to the long weekend.  He will receive the same dose of chemo but instead of getting it over 5 days he will receive it in 4 days.  We'll see how that goes.  We came away from the appointment knowing that we have more work to do and more waiting.  

 God knew what I needed today.  He gave me joy and excitement as I watched in amazement as our little guy cruised on his bike for the first time.  But he also assured me that what I'm feeling is O.K, and that He is right there to pick us up when we fall, cheer us on when we are weary, and help us to face our fears. 

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Here are some pictures of some of our fun moments the last couple of days ( just cause the kids are so cute)

                                                  Tyler's determined to keep up to his brother
                                                Keegan getting his first hair cut

                                           Keegan digging in the dirt - also keeping up to his brothers

                                           Building a Go-Cart together


  1. Bravo Toby !! Love all the pictures of the kids. Keegan looks soooo grown up sitting in that car. Looks like all the boys got their hair cut and Ty got a new helmet. Might need some body armor for the new go-cart eh??
    We continue to pray your analogy Jana and that scripture is so encouraging.

  2. Thanks for the pictures. The boys look great. It's hard to believe how big Kegan is getting. We look forward to seeing you on the weekend.

    Dad & Mom Roth

  3. Wow! A go-cart. Way to go, Mike! You are one cool dad!

  4. Great to see you all having fun together.

    Love Dad

  5. Love the pics! A go cart man that is ambitious, yet will be a load of fun when it is all done!

  6. Thanks for sharing the bike story. That's really moving, and such an amazing visual - God does run with us and call his encouragements to keep going. I was just thinking about you guys this weekend. You are a blessing.
