Tuesday 3 May 2011

Another Dex Day - love this stuff!

On Monday Mike started on day 1 out of 5 days of treatment this week.  This begins our second cycle of chemo. In total he will do 4 three week cycles. Since we started back on chemo we were mentally prepared for a day of nausea, heartburn and exhaustion. We had forgotten that Mike would also be starting back on Dexamethasone to help counteract some of the discomforts of chemo.

Mike had had a solid 14 hours of sleep the night before he started his treatment so his feet hit the floor with a little more energy than we have seen in awhile. He excitedly asked me if he could head for breakfast at you know where..... A& W.  I've had my fill of fast food breakfast so I stayed home with the napping baby and Mike and the boys headed out for some time together. 

After breakfast Mike left for a full day of treatment.  I hustled around the house and tried to catch up on some chores since my mom is here giving me a hand with the kids. It felt great to get a couple of things accomplished. Toby and I even headed out to do some shopping together as he has recently sprouted out of all his pants. 

The past week had kept us quite housebound with Mike in the hospital, so Toby and I had so much fun getting out together. He is a great little shopper and helped me pick out all of his own clothes. I decided to make the outing into a special date for the two of us, so we headed for hot chocolate at a sophisticated coffee shop in Morgan Crossing.  We sat admist business people and seniors and Toby was very pleased to have mommy all to himself. Part way through our little date he points and yells out at a balding gentleman walking by: "look mommy he has the same hair cut as daddy he must take medicine that makes his hair fall out too".  Embarrassing moment, but so funny.  Kids make even the most difficult situations light and funny.

We rushed home to see how Mike had made out with the treatment and how my mom was making out with kids. I expected Mike to be exhausted after a long day of chemo, but I was greeted by a big smile and a high energy husband.  He informed me that he was starving and was craving ribs. He ran to Clancy's  and started cooking us a deluxe meal. This was not at all how I had pictured our day going and that's when it dawned on me that Mike was taking the Dex again.

We are never sure how long these energy bursts will last so we made the most of it and started inviting friends over to share the meal with us.  It turned into a lovely day and at midnight Mike was still awake. I was kinda thankful because our kids decided to wake up hourly last night, so Mike helped me remain calm with them in my exhausted state. God knows what you can handle.  We cherish these moments of energy and have truly been living in the moment.  It is a great way to live. Play when you can play,  eat when you can eat, and pray on the days you can't.

 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31


  1. Dex Rocks! Sounds like a great day! I literally LOL'd at Toby's comment in the coffee shop. Kids are so entertaining, just tell it as it is. Nice that you two got some special time together amid the business of the day.

    Love the last line of this entry, pretty much just sums it all up.

    Here's another song for you. It's also by MercyMe..........seeing a trend here? LOL I love them. This song is my fave to crank up in the car and sing at the top of my lungs. One line in particular always stays with me........

    "Lift up your voice and lay your burden down"


  2. Pretty soon I'm going to automatically think of you guys whenever I go to A&W! Glad it was a good day!

    And I LOVE your line "Play when you can play, eat when you can eat, and pray on the days you can't." Might just have to put that one on my fridge!

    Love and prayers-
    Melanie (and Sheldon)

  3. Hi guys--love Toby's comment about the balding guy--hilarioius. Zach and Mike would have had a ball together on Dex--I'm seeing an all you can eat buffet. Glad you had a wonderful day. Say hi to your mom for me Jana. Dana
