Wednesday 20 April 2011

The "Dex" day

Sunday night Mike went from being exhausted and nauseated to being hyper, hungry and energetic. It is all thanks to a medication called Dexamethasone. This medication is a steroid but it actually helps with nausea too.  In hindsight we remembered the nurse offhandedly  mentioning that some people get really hyper on this medication. The week that Mike was receiving chemo I couldn't imagine anything having the ability to give Mike energy, but sure enough Sunday night at 2 am Mike was wired.

He beat the boys out of bed at 6 am and had Toby and Tyler dressed and ready to go before my feet hit the floor. He lead us on a day long of Mike activities. First it was to A&W for breakfast, then to a coffee shop where the boys can play outside.  Next we went to thrift stores (in Whalley) and hunted for some deals . We had lots of family laughs and improvisation as we went from activity to activity without having the usual preparations for our three little ones. No lunches today just a big bag of cheerios that Mike grabbed on the way out the door.

Definitely a day to remember.  It felt so great to have Mike back.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 118:1


  1. Thanks so awesome. I know it was "drug induced", but I sure that you all we so happy to have Dad feeling great. Especially the boys!


  2. Wow, the boys must have liked that!

  3. Awesome! So glad for a happy day as a family - made me laugh just picturing this! :)
    - Melanie (and Sheldon)

  4. Sounds like a great day! Do you have any pills left over? I could use a pick-me-up:)

  5. That sounds like such a fabulous day! Thank Jesus for days like that :)

  6. Oh my .......I can picture it !!! When Mike gets moving......he gets moving and that is without drugs!!!! Did it feel like an out of control train , Jana ??..... Fast and fun , makes you laugh non-stop and forget about anything but living in the moment !!!
    Soooo happy you had such a great family time. Did you get any good deals at the thrift stores??
    Well I guess if Mike isn't able to sleep at night, he can tend to any fussy kids. But on a serious note ......praying he will get some sleep and be able to fight off that cold and cough.
    You are doing all you can to keep him strong and I know what an amazing Mom and nurse you are. We love you all so much.

  7. give me more of that Dex!!!! Come on Jana...tell me where you hid it...


  8. Jennifer Sevilla21 April 2011 at 22:21

    Sounds like a lot of fun and it came at a good time, I'm sure you all needed some fun. My thoughts and prayers are with your family Mike & Jana.May God continue to bless and keep you.
