Wednesday 22 June 2011

Wait and See

Three sick kids is never fun. We had a really terrible night, but the kids turned the corner by morning. I  would describe my night as "the Yo Yo  night".  I'm sure all parents can relate to these kind of nights. Spend 20 minutes in bed and pop up with one child, drift off to sleep for 30 minutes and back up with another.  I finally gave up trying to sleep; finally by 4 am fevers were finally under control, Keegan had stopped crying and I got 3 hours of sleep before the day began.  Good thing I've functioned on night shifts before.  It is not fun but it is doable.

Toby seemed back to himself today. Tyler has very runny nose but has his usual spunk and energy. Keegan has a runny nose, cough and fussy periods, but all three of them made it through the day without a fever.  I anticipate that our 2 year old may run into some problems with his chest in a day or two, as he has asthma. However the other two seem to pulling through the common cold just fine.  The stressful part is that this cold has hit us during the week when Mike's immune system is totally depleted.  He is receiving G-Csf shots every night to help boost his neutraphils, so hopefully he will have enough reserve to fight off the bug.  

Mike has stayed isolated in our room all day and the kids aren't allowed close to him. With noses streaming it is very hard to keep things sanitary in our home, but we are trying.  Mike has had a runny nose this evening, but no aches or fever.  We will just have to wait and see.

Otherwise Mike is starting to feel a bit better.  His appetite is starting to improve, the nausea has mostly subsided and other than a few mouth sores there haven't been any new side effects from chemo.  He feels good as long as he is resting. When he starts to move around he notices that he is still very weak.  Since he can't spend any time with the family, he has started to putter on some work stuff.  He is motivated, positive and enjoying getting some things accomplished.  The day goes by so much quicker when he is working on something purposeful.  He is "so done" with aimless entertainment to pass the time. 

We are all missing being together as a family.  The boys keep sneaking up towards Daddy's room and it feels so wrong to be keeping them apart.  Tonight as we said bedtime prayers Toby prayed: " Jesus, please take away all the runny noses in our family so we can be with Daddy again, and Tyler prayed " Thank you for Daddy".  I am praying fervently that Mike doesn't get this cold so he can keep regaining strength instead of being knocked down once again.  We don't know how the rest of our week will unfold; it may go smooth with quick recoveries or if Mike develops a fever we will be in for a crazy ride. Right now all we can do is wait, and trust God. As much as I would love to be in control of how our week unfolds, I am learning that God is in control and He always does what is right for us  - even if it is hard. Looking back at how God has taken care of us so far, gives me the peace I need for today and the strength to face the unknown.

Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14

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