Wednesday 22 June 2011

Something for me.....

Today I did something for me. Since March I have been gradually dropping all the small things I did for myself even down to basic human activities.  I will admit that some weeks I only get to shower once or twice,  there might be time to clip my nails but certainly not paint them.  After we had our third baby, I worked to schedule in a few Jana activities to keep me sane (like running or bootcamp).  I have put those little pleasures aside for this season. Cancer has required me to serve my family to a whole new level and it hasn't been that hard because of the love I have for them.  Giving everything I have of myself to God and my family has been a very good exercise for me; my heart feels fulfilled as I focus all my energy outward.

Today I took 3 whole hours to myself and booked an appointment with the hairdresser.  Our life has been so crazy this year that it has been over a year since I have had a hair cut.  That is a new record for me. Needless to say I have never enjoyed getting foils and a hair cut more than I did today.  It was such a treat to do something for me.
                                                                       The New "Do"
The fun part of my day quickly came to an end when I came home to find that colds and flus have come back to visit our home.  I rolled up my sleeves and started taking temperatures, pushing fluids, giving Tylenol, cool baths and hugs.  All of our children came down with sickness suddenly. Toby and Keegan have been spiking temperatures throughout the afternoon, and Tyler has a runny nose and cough. Mike has been quarantened to our room and the children are not allowed to go near him.  My mom and I are working hard to take care of kids and keep things as clean and as separate as possible. I am very concerned for Mike.  He is encouraging me not to worry about what might be and we are both praying like crazy for protection. So far it is looking like tonight is going to be a busy night at our house. As I stripped our little baby down to his onsie, nursed him to sleep, and felt his little body burning up next to mine, I began praying.  This verse came to me as I was praying.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
   and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
   and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3: 5-6




  1. You look awesome Jana! Sorry to hear the kids are sick. Hopefully you can keep it contained! Will keep praying!

  2. Glad you had some time to yourself. Your hair looks great! We are praying for all of you, that God will grant you the encouragement and strength that you need and His healing for Mike and the boys. Your love for your family and how you put it into action is a great inspiration.

    Mom & Dad Roth

  3. I was thinking of you and wondering how you were doing and when you'd be back to work. We had the FBU picnic today and I asked about you because I know you came when we had the last picnic. I hadn't heard about your husband's cancer. I'm so sorry to hear that. I read some of your blog and your faith and strength is inspiring. I'll be praying for you and your family.
    Renee Stodola
