Friday, 17 June 2011


It's been over a week since I've made a new post and I'm sure some of you are wondering if everything is o.k.  Everything is fine. We are just at the end of our marathon, and we are tired.  I really enjoy reflecting and writing at the end of the day, unfortunately my day often doesn't end until much too late so I've had to let it go lately.  I have lots I want to share about our week and when I have a little more energy I'll give a recap of what's been happening in our life. But tonight I'll keep it brief.

  • Mike finished his last long week of treatment.  He has two lighter weeks left in this cycle but that is it. No more Cysplatin or Etoposide being put into his veins ( those are the chemo drugs with the worst side effects).  We are so thankful this is the last time he gets knocked down, now we are on to recovery Yeah!
  • No unusual symtoms for Mike, just the usual fatigue, nausea, weakness ect.  He is at the stage in his week where he is resting and sleeping most of the day. 
  • Mike had a full panel of blood work done on Monday. All of his tumor markers are completely normal. No words can describe our relief and thankfulness. He has further tests (blood work, x-rays, CT scan) booked for the first week in August. Please pray that the mass in his lymph node is gone and the tumor markers remain normal once chemo stops. 
  • I have really bad seasonal allergies this week hence why I haven't had any extra energy at the end of the day.  Thank goodness it's not anything contagious, but I feel miserable nonetheless.  My mom came yet again to our rescue and is helping us out.  Mike and I are amazed that no one in our family has been sick with a cold or flu for 2 months. We definitely believe God is protecting us because that is the longest we've been without runny noses in our home in a long time.

So in short we are doing really well. God is sustaining us day by day and meeting our needs. We've had many blessings along the way and when my eyes aren't swollen shut and my nose isn't streaming I'll share some of those moments with you but for now my goal is to have my head on my pillow by 9 pm.


1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking of you guys, and remembering in the quiet times that "no news is good news." I am so happy to read your post, and praise God with you that the end is in sight. Mike and Jana, you are two amazing individuals.
    Thank-you, Jesus, for answered prayers. Please bless this family with health, rest, and lots of joy in these weeks to come. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
