Friday, 15 April 2011

Week One of Chemo Done!

We made it through our first week of chemo. The next two weeks are mainly to rest and recuperate. Mike does continue to get one of the medications (Bleomycin) every Monday, but other than that he'll be home. He will also do some lab work on Monday, I'm not sure when we will get results but you can pray that his tumor markers are responding to treatment. We will do four of these cycles altogether; 1 down, 3 to go.

Today was exhausting. It was just one of those days with the kids where they all needed extra TLC. The 4 year old is emotional and testing boundaries, the two year old is strong willed and over tired, the baby just would not nap easily and seems to be fussy with teething. By dinner time I could hardly keep my eyes open so Mike and I both crashed on the couch and the boys cuddled up and watched a show. Even though we were tired it just felt good to be close and be together. 

Thankfully we have a babysitter who comes every Friday ( usually we go for a date, but Mike opted for sleep tonight.) Evonne helped me get the kids to bed and I went to bootcamp!  Ahhh, I feel so much better - great stress release.

I had many moments today where I felt weary realizing that the rest of my maternity leave is going to be spent fighting cancer. It's a long time to see Mike feeling so tired and sick. In those moments I find myself needing to give my burden to God because it is too heavy for me. I've read this verse so many times over the years and often I've struggled to give my burdens to God. But right now I can honestly say that if I hang on to the full weight of battling cancer with my life partner, it will crush me. So it has been a lot easier than I thought to just give my burden to God.

Jesus said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30 


  1. BRAVO......BRAVO,
    You got through this killer week and we pray that each and every one of the cancer cells will be dead as a doornail by the end of it all.

    All day yesterday Matthew 11:28-30 was flowing in and out of my mind for all of my loved ones and their families, who are in the midst of this battle so to see it written out by you, Jana ......brought me to tears .......just knowing how close God is to every single one of us no matter how overwhelmed or alone we might feel........ God knows and cares and continually urges us to take his helping hand.I am so happy you have been able to do that.
    It is a new day and each moment of surrender will go smoothly. I pray that for all of us.Dad and I send much love, hugs, and prayers for all of the details of a day at the Roth household in this season.

    We are here for you in anyway you need .......just let us know as you do.


  2. Hi Mike and Jana

    Glad to hear that the first round is done. It sounds like a good "family cuddle" was much enjoyed.
    Hope to see you guys soon.

    Ram and Sonam

  3. What a great verse! Hope you are all able to get some rest in this coming week.
    - Melanie (and Sheldon)

  4. Wow Jana, I so appreciate your openness as you guys are on this journey. Thanks so much for keeping us all updated, Matthew and I are praying for healing for Mike and for you guys as a family. I will definitely be praying for you as you maintain your household, I can't imagine how hard it is some days. I know you're the one that needs encouragement, but you're also encouraging to people around you by your amazing attitude and by leaning on God and His incredible provision and promises for us. Love you guys!

  5. Good for you guys for finishing off the first week and for doing it with such grace!

    I am so impressed with how you and Mike are taking this fight in stride and making sure to use every spare moment that you have to celebrate being a family. I know that there are moments when you guys probably question why you are going through this, but the love you share and the faith that you have is clearly so strong and I'm moved when I read what you write.

    I'm thinking of you guys all the time, xoxoxox
