Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Some improvements...some more waiting....

I loaded the three kids up this morning to go visit Mike. It proved to be more challenging than I anticipated. After circling for 25 minutes in the parkade we found a parking spot in a lot down the street. We walked at the pace of a 2 year old, in the rain, with a fussy baby to arrive at a long line up for the elevator as one of them was out of service.

It was totally worth the journey though, to see Mike and the boys reunited. Mike just lite up when he saw them; he was so happy to get close to his three little guys. You could tell the boys just wanted to have a full- on wrestling match with daddy in the hospital bed which I'm sure would have gotten some attentions from the hospital staff. We resorted to tickling and hugs instead.

The rest of the day was very busy, mostly dashing from place to place grabbing prescriptions and fixing our kitchen faucet. I'm discovering that the usual life chores which we usually accomplish together,  are impossible on my own with three young kids. I've had to call out to our friends for help and everyone has surrounded us with way more than we've asked for. Thank you all for your love and service. We feel the body of Christ surrounding us and it is both beautiful and comforting.

Mike has received 2 shots of the GcSF and his neutraphils have risen from 0.1 - 0.9.  They want his levels to be over 1.0 before they discharge him. The doctor is confident he will be ready to come home tomorrow. He's had no further fever and his chest x-ray is clear. We thank God that he is helping Mike fight this infection. We are still waiting to get results from his tumor markers. This result will help us know if the chemo has been effective in killing cancer cells. I always feel very nervous before we receive new results. I am working hard to give my anxiety to God tonight.  Phillipians 4:6-7 are verses that I have clung onto during many seasons in my life, but they have never been as real to me as they are right now.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


  1. So glad that his numbers are coming up, my mom and I refer to being that low as 'your neuts in your boots' LOL

    What an amazing woman you are Jana! Each and every post you submit inspires me to be a better wife, mother, and friend. I am so thankful that God brought you and Mike into my life and continue to pray for you. Please remember I'm here if you need anything at all. I cook, I clean, I drive, I tell jokes, and am a pretty good babysitter too!

  2. You are amazing Jana! Hang in there, mom should be ready to come down on Sunday.
