Thursday, 14 April 2011


Thanks to our wonderful friends who volunteered to baby sit our boys,  I was able to take Mike to chemo today.  It was nice to just sit together, talk to other patients who are going through the same things, and glean some more info from the nurses. The nurses told us that Mike is on the most intensive chemo regime which explains why Mike is more fatigued every day. He has been resting and sleeping on and off most of the day. He is not in any pain but is very tired and quite nauseated. Mike loves to be productive and busy so its a shock to be going such a slow pace; however, he knows its what he needs to be doing right now. He is handling his discomfort with a quiet peace and strength. He has not uttered a single complaint since any of this began.  Let's just say he is an easy patient.

We are so thankful for all the volunteers who have taken over all of his responsibilities with the church, it is such a blessing to hand over those responsibilities so Mike can fully rest and recover.  Thank you all so much for your hard work and dedication, we are so thankful we don't have to do this journey alone. 

My highlight for the day was bedtime with the kids. Mike usually helps me with bedtime, but tonight he needed to rest. So instead of our usual routine, I dressed the boys in their favorite matching pj's and we all piled into the bed with Mike. We cuddled, read stories, and said prayers all together. The boys adore their daddy and really enjoyed the time with him.

Sickness puts everything into perspective. By the end of today the house was such a disaster, the boys were difficult to corral into their beds and I hadn't had one second for myself all day. Before we were facing cancer, my reaction to a day like today would have been frustration, irritation and self pity. Now I live for those family moments on the bed, and the rest just doesn't matter. It is worth working hard to take care of the ones I love most. 

This verse sums up the perspective Mike and I want to take as we face this trial.

 "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary afflictions are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 
4: 16-18



  1. Good Morning.......Happy Friday.....last day of chemo this week .....Bravo Mike !!!!!
    How awesome you were able to be with Mike yesterday, Jana. I know it is just breaking Jay's heart that their family has been hit with colds and hasn't been able to help so it will make her feel much happier to know that someone else was able to come alongside.

    We are so proud of ALL of you for taking things in stride and going even further to relish the treasures of being close to one another. Our hearts go out to Mike for living with the nausea. I hope his moments of fatigue and rest give him a bit of a break from the nausea. from time to time. Do the medications give some relief??

    I can just see those boys in their matching pJ's.....who would have ever though they would be such a hit. When they grow out of them,poor Keegan will be wearing them forever......

  2. Can't tell you how lovely it is to stay up to date with this. Really. Everyday somehow, it breaks my heart and then builds it back up again, stronger and stronger every time. I imagine you might feel the same way sometimes.

    Be encouraged. You are all so loved and prayed for.

    And I would encourage you to take photos throughout this time. Good and bad. You don't have to post them, but one day, when you look through, you are all gonna be so amazed at the journey this has been and be amazed at what God brought you through. It might not feel right sometimes, but it's all part of it. Years down the road, Mike is gonna laugh at those photos, as he stands testament to the miracle that is God's love and power.

  3. love you Jana - you inspire me with your hope, courage, and tenacity. Thanks for taking care of me and our family at this time. I love you so much. You've definitely kept your vows - "in sickness and in health!"


  4. I am not good with words therefore I borrow from others. Be encouraged my friends. We pray for you constantly. Luv you guys Greg and Heather

    Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. ~Author Unknown

    Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway. ~Emory Austin
