Thursday, 7 July 2011

Set Backs

This sinus infection has indeed felt like a set back.  Mike has been in a lot of pain but he is finding T3's are helping him endure the pain until the antibiotics kick in.  He has spent the day in bed with ice on his head. It is difficult to see him confined to our bed and struggling with discomfort again.  His body is weak from chemo, he is prone to getting infections, so we are coming to terms with the fact that set backs will be normal for awhile.

Our household is busy and bustling as ever. We spent the day in our yard, running through the sprinkler, playing sports, reading books. The boys and I finished off the day with a bar-b-que at Fleetwood park with my sister and our neighbors. All in all the day went well, but I'm back to long busy days again.

Our church puts on a kids camp next week.  The camp is always a lot of work, but it is a highlight of our year. This week feels like a juggling act between caring for Mike, managing the household, planning for camp and squeezing in some summer time fun with the kids.  The highlight of my day was tucking the kids in to bed, looking around at the mess in the house and deciding to put off clean up until I'd had a good walk with my good friend.  I  spontaneously called up my friend and we both abandoned dishes and tidying for the great outdoors and good conversation.  Ahhh, I came home refreshed and it was worth the late night clean up.

I'm a day late posting this entry because my writing was interrupted by our son who woke up with a nightmare. While I'm at it,  I'll give you a brief update on today.

Mike is doing much better today. He was out of bed all day and  he has been able to manage his sinus pain with regular Tylenol.  Unfortunately, his stomach is really upset by the antibiotics.  He seems to have residual stomach ulcers from all the chemo, so taking more pills is the last thing he feels like doing but it is necessary.  Eating has been a challenge again, Mike is down to the weight he was when I met him 12 years ago, but he looks healthy.

Our children have been keeping us busy. Tyler has been having night time tantrums for the last 4 nights.  He wakes up a couple of times a night and is hysterical.  He is very difficult to settle and he is unable to verbalize what is upsetting him.  We are not sure if he is in pain, having a nightmare or just expressing the stress he may have been feeling over the last few months. His sleep patterns are poor which makes for moody days. Tonight Toby came down with a fever and vomiting, so unfortunately we are not home free from sickness yet. No matter how much Lysol I use or how much laundry I do, sickness seems to move from one child to the next.  Please pray for protection for Mike as we would love to avoid another set back.  We will see what God has planned. He certainly is teaching us to live in the present and trust Him with our future.

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13

So my goal is to be content, even with set backs.


  1. Praying big time guys......sure am going through withdrawal. Lin will be arriving tomorrow so that will help a lot. Having mixed emotions about not being there for kid's camp but I have been lectured by too many people to ignore. So often others can see what you can't on your own. Sure proud of you all and how continually you rely on God for strength. I know you certainly would not be standing without Him. Love you sooooo much.
    Love Mom
